Operation 100: Mission Accomplished
Cotton worked around the clock to get WWII veteran back into his home following hurricane devastation in time for his 100th birthday
The Cotton Foundation recently teamed up with former United States Navy SEAL, Marcus Luttrell, and his wife Melanie Luttrell, with the Team Never Quit Foundation for “Operation 100.” This project entailed the complete demolition and remodel of a veteran’s home after it was inundated with flood water during Hurricane Harvey. 1st Lieutenant Fly served in the United States Army Air Corps during World War II. Our mission was to complete his home’s remodel by his 100th birthday on November 13th! Cotton, along with Team Never Quit and multiple vendor partners, worked diligently over the last two months to ensure the home was move-in ready in time for his special day.
The Welcome Home Ceremony was held on November 9th and will air on Fox & Friends this Veteran’s Day on Fox News Channel.
Cotton was immensely honored to be a part of the project and to celebrate alongside Mr. Fly’s family, closest friends and fellow church members this week during the home reveal. Thank you, Lieutenant Fly, for your service and the sacrifices you have made for this great nation; you give us so much pride. Cotton wishes you a HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY and a warm welcome back into your home!