Key Takeaways From Cotton’s Hurricane Forum
Just as Cotton encourages its clients to formulate and review their emergency plan every year, we too make this a priority. Recently, members from each Cotton department gathered at our Operations Headquarters in Katy, TX to discuss our own plans and procedures for the 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Everyone in attendance shared their experience, learnings, and discussed ways their team supports the entire organization. We also brainstormed new ways to help our clients prepare and recover from the unexpected.
While every organization is different, there are some key takeaways we’d like to share with your team as your organization creates their own plans and procedures.
No matter how well you plan, something is certain to go awry. Fortunately, every year grants us the opportunity to learn and improve our plans and procedures. As you gather with your team, encourage everyone to share their past hurricane experience. What worked and what didn’t? Open up the floor and discuss ways you can make the preparation and recovery processes more efficient for everyone.
Review the NOAA’s hurricane predictions to know if there’s a high risk or low risk of tropical cyclones. Next, identify what threats are more likely in your region. Will your city be impacted by storm surge or tornadoes? Are storm power outages common in your region? Knowing the specific risks your property faces will help your organization determine the resources it will need to recover post-storm.
As you think about what the company’s objectives are before, during, and after a hurricane, ensure you’re being as detailed as possible. Any vague instructions could lead to confusion and inefficiencies during an emergency. Review Cotton’s Hurricane Preparedness Checklist for ideas on what to include in your plan.
“There are no small parts,” said Shakespeare, and we agree. Every single person in your organization plays a part in your success. Use this planning session to go through everyone’s roles and responsibilities during an emergency and describe how they’re all necessary to achieve business continuity.
We hope these takeaways spark some ideas during your team’s hurricane planning session. As always, Cotton is available to talk through any questions you have about protecting your property and operations. Contact our experts today and discover how we can support your business during this and future hurricane seasons.