Cotton’s Finest - Betsy Ayala
Cotton is proud to employ some of the most professional and experienced people in the industry, and today we’d like to recognize one of them. Meet this month's Cotton's Finest: Betsy Ayala, Branding Director.

1. What is your role on the Cotton Team? What are 3 words you would use to describe it?
I am the Brand Director; I manage the brand team, which spearheads all of Cotton’s internal and external events, field marketing opportunities, strategic branding and merchandise and apparel. Three words I would use to describe my role are innovative, revolutionary and family.
2. Where is your favorite place in the world?
My favorite place is anywhere with my husband and my two kids.
3. What does “Cottonuity” mean to you?
To me, “Cottonuity” means we always offer our clients, partners, friends and community the Cotton experience every chance we get. Whether it’s a job site, a Cotton event or a day in the office, the Cotton Team is a family.
4. How does Cotton go above and beyond for our clients?
Cotton believes in excellence. Everyone who is a part of the Cotton team holds each other to the highest standards. We treat each other like family, and I believe we treat our clients as such as well. There is nothing we wouldn’t do to get the job done “the Cotton way,” and there’s no compromising that standard at any level in any department across the enterprise.
5. Tell us something about yourself that might surprise us!
I’m a first-generation American. I didn’t learn English until I started preschool at the age of 5, and I am the first in my entire family to go to college in the United States and get a degree.