What to Wear to CottonCon, Success and the Holiday Soirée
The big day is approaching, so the time is now to start thinking about the perfect CottonCon look! To help you out, we’ve put together a few handy tips to ensure you’re looking the Cotton way when we gather together.
CottonCon & Success
In general, you’ll want to dress business casual for our CottonCon and Cotton Success program. Typically, this means blazers are optional but very welcomed!
For the gentlemen: Break out your Cotton polos or sweaters, or feel free to wear your usual button-downs. Opt for khakis or dark jeans at a minimum.
For the ladies: Dresses and blouses are preferred but feel free to throw on dark jeans or slacks if they are business casual!
Cotton Holiday Soirée
For our Holiday Soirée, we’re dressing up and looking our holiday best! Cocktail attire is requested, but feel free to wear something even more formal if you want.
For the gentlemen: A suit or sports jacket with slacks and button-down are the standard. No jeans, please.
For the ladies: A cocktail dress, gown, dressy suit or jumpsuit. Whatever makes you feel your Cotton best!
Whatever you wear, come ready to have fun and celebrate Cotton! We’re looking forward to seeing your smiling faces most of all.